Source code for ci_diff_helper.git_tools

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"""Helpers for interacting with ``git``."""

import os

from ci_diff_helper import _utils

[docs]def git_root(): """Return the root directory of the current ``git`` checkout. Returns: str: Filesystem path to ``git`` checkout root. """ return _utils.check_output('git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel')
[docs]def get_checked_in_files(): """Gets a list of files in the current ``git`` repository. Effectively runs: .. code-block:: bash $ git ls-files ${GIT_ROOT} and then finds the absolute path for each file returned. Returns: list: List of all filenames checked into. """ root_dir = git_root() cmd_output = _utils.check_output('git', 'ls-files', root_dir) result = [] for filename in cmd_output.split('\n'): result.append(os.path.abspath(filename)) return result
[docs]def merge_commit(revision='HEAD'): """Checks if a ``git`` revision is a merge commit. Args: revision (Optional[str]): A ``git`` revision, any of a branch name, tag, a commit SHA or a special reference. Returns: bool: Flag indicating if the given revision. Raises: NotImplementedError: if the number of parents is not 1 or 2. """ parents = _utils.check_output( 'git', 'log', '--pretty=%P', '-1', revision) num_parents = len(parents.split()) if num_parents == 1: return False elif num_parents == 2: return True else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Unexpected number of parent commits', parents)
[docs]def commit_subject(revision='HEAD'): """Gets the subject of a ``git`` commit. Args: revision (Optional[str]): A ``git`` revision, any of a branch name, tag, a commit SHA or a special reference. Returns: str: The commit subject. """ return _utils.check_output( 'git', 'log', '--pretty=%s', '-1', revision)