
Diff Helper for Continuous Integration (CI) Services.

For an open source project, running unit tests, system tests, torture tests, fuzz tests, integration tests, code quality checks, etc. can quickly become a large task.

In order to limit the amount of time and resources that these jobs require, this tool provides a way to determine which files have changed and provides a Python API for these changes. In addition, this library provides the corresponding commit SHA (or other artifact) that is used as the diffbase.

The library supports (planned)


When configuring your CI environment, it may be useful to set the GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN environment variable (GH_TOKEN). By authenticating in GitHub API requests, rate limiting can be avoided. Unauthenticated requests will be subject to rate limiting across the entire CI system.

To use this in your project first install:

$ pip install --upgrade ci-diff-helper

Once you’ve done that, you can use some basic functions (in_travis(), in_travis_pr() and travis_branch()) to get information about your current environment.

>>> import ci_diff_helper
>>> ci_diff_helper.in_travis()
>>> ci_diff_helper.in_travis_pr()
>>> ci_diff_helper.travis_branch()

While these functions are convenient, they are “one-shot”, i.e. they compute the value and return it, but don’t cache the computed value.

Instead, a long-lived configuration object (Travis) is provided with the same functionality, but also caches the returned values and uses them to compute other useful values.

>>> import ci_diff_helper
>>> config = ci_diff_helper.Travis()
>>> config.in_pr
>>> config.branch

In addition this configuration provides extra features for determining a diffbase.

>>> import ci_diff_helper
>>> config = ci_diff_helper.Travis()
>>> config.event_type
<TravisEventType.pull_request: 'pull_request'>
>>> config.slug
>>> config.base

Not only is this object valuable during a pull request build, it can also be used to find relevant information in a “push” build:

>>> import ci_diff_helper
>>> config = ci_diff_helper.Travis()
>>> config.event_type
<TravisEventType.push: 'push'>
>>> is None
>>> config.base