Source code for ci_diff_helper.circle_ci

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.

"""Set of utilities for dealing with Circle CI.

This module provides a custom configuration type
:class:`CircleCI` for the `CircleCI`_ CI system.

.. _CircleCI:

This module uses a selection of environment variables to detect
the state of Circle CI configuration. See
:mod:`~ci_diff_helper.environment_vars` for more details.

:class:`CircleCI` Configuration Type

When running in CircleCI, you can automatically detect your
current environment and get the configuration object:

.. testsetup:: auto-detect

  import os
  os.environ = {
      'CIRCLECI': 'true',

.. doctest:: auto-detect

  >>> import ci_diff_helper
  >>> config = ci_diff_helper.get_config()
  >>> config
  <CircleCI (active=True)>

To use the :class:`CircleCI` configuration type directly:

.. testsetup:: circle-ci-push

  import os
  os.environ = {
      'CIRCLECI': 'true',
      'CIRCLE_BRANCH': 'master',
      'CIRCLE_TAG': '0.4.2',
  import ci_diff_helper

.. doctest:: circle-ci-push

  >>> config = ci_diff_helper.CircleCI()
  >>> config
  <CircleCI (active=True)>
  >>> config.branch
  >>> config.tag
  >>> config.repo_url
  >>> config.provider
  <CircleCIRepoProvider.github: 'github'>
  >>> config.slug

During a pull request build, we can determine information about
the current PR being built:

.. testsetup:: circle-ci-pr

  import os
  os.environ = {
      'CIRCLECI': 'true',
      'CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER': '23',
      'CIRCLE_BRANCH': 'pull/23',
  import ci_diff_helper
  from ci_diff_helper import _github

  def mock_pr_info(slug, pr_id):
      assert slug == 'organization/repository'
      assert pr_id == 23
      payload = {
          'base': {
              'sha': '7450ebe1a2133442098faa07f3c2c08b612d75f5',
      return payload

  _github.pr_info = mock_pr_info

.. doctest:: circle-ci-pr

  >>> config = ci_diff_helper.CircleCI()
  >>> config
  <CircleCI (active=True)>
  >>> config.in_pr
  >>> config.branch
  >>> config.base

import os

import enum

from ci_diff_helper import _config_base
from ci_diff_helper import _github
from ci_diff_helper import _utils
from ci_diff_helper import environment_vars as env

    'CircleCI build does not have a repo URL set (via {})')
_GITHUB_PREFIX = 'https://{}/'.format(_GITHUB_HOST)
_BITBUCKET_PREFIX = 'https://{}/'.format(_BITBUCKET_HOST)

def _circle_ci_pr():
    """Get the current CircleCI pull request (if any).

        Optional[int]: The current pull request ID.
        return int(os.getenv(env.CIRCLE_CI_PR_NUM, ''))
    except ValueError:
        return None

def _repo_url():
    """Get the repository URL for the current build.

        str: The repository URL for the current build.

        OSError: If the ``CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL`` environment variable
            isn't set during a CircleCI build.
        return os.environ[env.CIRCLE_CI_REPO_URL]
    except KeyError as exc:
        msg = _REPO_URL_TEMPLATE.format(env.CIRCLE_CI_REPO_URL)
        raise OSError(exc, msg)

def _provider_slug(repo_url):
    """Get the code hosting provider for the current CircleCI build.

        repo_url (str): The URL of a code hosting repository.

        Tuple[CircleCIRepoProvider, str]: Pair of the code hosting provider
            for the current CircleCI build and the repository slug.

        ValueError: If ``repo_url`` contains the GitHub host but
            does not start with the corresponding expected prefix.
        ValueError: If ``repo_url`` contains the Bitbucket host but
            does not start with the corresponding expected prefix.
        ValueError: If ``repo_url`` doesn't match either the GitHub
            or Bitbucket hosts.
    if _GITHUB_HOST in repo_url:
        if repo_url.startswith(_GITHUB_PREFIX):
            _, slug = repo_url.split(_GITHUB_PREFIX, 1)
            return CircleCIRepoProvider.github, slug
            raise ValueError('Repository URL contained host',
                             'but did not begin as expected',
                             'expected prefix', _GITHUB_PREFIX)
    elif _BITBUCKET_HOST in repo_url:
        if repo_url.startswith(_BITBUCKET_PREFIX):
            _, slug = repo_url.split(_BITBUCKET_PREFIX, 1)
            return CircleCIRepoProvider.bitbucket, slug
            raise ValueError('Repository URL contained host',
                             'but did not begin as expected',
                             'expected prefix', _BITBUCKET_PREFIX)
        raise ValueError('Invalid repo URL', repo_url,
                         'Expected a URL for one of',
                         [ for enum_val in CircleCIRepoProvider])

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class CircleCIRepoProvider(enum.Enum): """Enum representing all possible CircleCI repo providers.""" github = 'github' bitbucket = 'bitbucket'
# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class CircleCI(_config_base.Config): """Represent CircleCI state and cache return values.""" # Default instance attributes. _base = _utils.UNSET _pr = _utils.UNSET _pr_info_cached = _utils.UNSET _provider = _utils.UNSET _repo_url = _utils.UNSET _slug = _utils.UNSET # Class attributes. _active_env_var = env.IN_CIRCLE_CI _branch_env_var = env.CIRCLE_CI_BRANCH _tag_env_var = env.CIRCLE_CI_TAG @property def pr(self): """int: The current CircleCI pull request (if any). If there is no active pull request, returns :data:`None`. """ if self._pr is _utils.UNSET: self._pr = _circle_ci_pr() return self._pr @property def in_pr(self): """bool: Indicates if currently running in CircleCI pull request. This uses the ``CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER`` environment variable to check if currently in a pull request. """ return is not None @property def _pr_info(self): """dict: The information for the current pull request. This information is retrieved from the GitHub API and cached. It is non-public, but a ``@property`` is used for the caching. .. warning:: This property is only meant to be used in a pull request from a GitHub repository. """ if self._pr_info_cached is not _utils.UNSET: return self._pr_info_cached current_pr = if current_pr is None: self._pr_info_cached = {} elif self.provider is CircleCIRepoProvider.github: self._pr_info_cached = _github.pr_info(self.slug, current_pr) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'GitHub is only supported way to retrieve PR info') return self._pr_info_cached @property def repo_url(self): """str: The URL of the current repository being built. For example: ``{organization}/{repository}`` or ``{user}/{repository}``. """ if self._repo_url is _utils.UNSET: self._repo_url = _repo_url() return self._repo_url @property def provider(self): """str: The code hosting provider for the current CircleCI build.""" if self._provider is _utils.UNSET: # NOTE: One **could** check here that _slug isn't already set, # but that would be over-protective, since the only # way it could be set also sets _provider. self._provider, self._slug = _provider_slug(self.repo_url) return self._provider @property def slug(self): """str: The current slug in the CircleCI build. Of the form ``{organization}/{repository}``. """ if self._slug is _utils.UNSET: # NOTE: One **could** check here that _provider isn't already set, # but that would be over-protective, since the only # way it could be set also sets _slug. self._provider, self._slug = _provider_slug(self.repo_url) return self._slug @property def base(self): """str: The ``git`` object that current build is changed against. The ``git`` object can be any of a branch name, tag, a commit SHA or a special reference. .. warning:: This property will currently only work in a build for a pull request from a GitHub repository. """ if self._base is not _utils.UNSET: return self._base if self.in_pr: pr_info = self._pr_info try: self._base = pr_info['base']['sha'] except KeyError: raise KeyError( 'Missing key in the GitHub API payload', 'expected base->sha', pr_info, self.slug, else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Diff base currently only supported in a PR from GitHub') return self._base