Source code for ci_diff_helper.appveyor

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Set of utilities for dealing with AppVeyor CI.

This module provides a custom configuration type
:class:`AppVeyor` for the `AppVeyor`_ CI system.

.. _AppVeyor:

This module uses a selection of environment variables to detect
the state of AppVeyor configuration. See
:mod:`~ci_diff_helper.environment_vars` for more details.

:class:`AppVeyor` Configuration Type

When running in AppVeyor, you can automatically detect your
current environment and get the configuration object:

.. testsetup:: auto-detect

  import os
  os.environ = {
      'APPVEYOR': 'True',

.. doctest:: auto-detect

  >>> import ci_diff_helper
  >>> config = ci_diff_helper.get_config()
  >>> config
  <AppVeyor (active=True)>

To use the :class:`AppVeyor` configuration type directly:

.. testsetup:: appveyor-pr

  import os
  os.environ = {
      'APPVEYOR': 'True',
      'APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH': 'master',
  import ci_diff_helper

.. doctest:: appveyor-pr

  >>> config = ci_diff_helper.AppVeyor()
  >>> config
  <AppVeyor (active=True)>
  >>> config.branch
  >>> config.provider
  <AppVeyorRepoProvider.github: 'github'>

import os

import enum

from ci_diff_helper import _config_base
from ci_diff_helper import _utils
from ci_diff_helper import environment_vars as env

def _appveyor_provider():
    """Get the code hosting provider for the current AppVeyor build.

        AppVeyorRepoProvider: The code hosting provider for the
            current AppVeyor build.

        ValueError: If the ``APPVEYOR_REPO_PROVIDER`` environment
            variable is not one of the (case-insensitive)
            expected values.
    repo_provider = os.getenv(env.APPVEYOR_REPO, '')
        return AppVeyorRepoProvider(repo_provider.lower())
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('Invalid repo provider', repo_provider,
                         'Expected one of (case-insensitive)',
                         [ for enum_val in AppVeyorRepoProvider])

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class AppVeyorRepoProvider(enum.Enum): """Enum representing all possible AppVeyor repo providers.""" github = 'github' bitbucket = 'bitbucket' kiln = 'kiln' vso = 'vso' gitlab = 'gitlab'
# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class AppVeyor(_config_base.Config): """Represent AppVeyor state and cache return values.""" # Default instance attributes. _provider = _utils.UNSET # Class attributes. _active_env_var = env.IN_APPVEYOR _branch_env_var = env.APPVEYOR_BRANCH _tag_env_var = env.APPVEYOR_TAG @property def provider(self): """str: The code hosting provider for the current AppVeyor build.""" if self._provider is _utils.UNSET: self._provider = _appveyor_provider() return self._provider @property def tag(self): """str: The ``git`` tag of the current AppVeyor build. .. note:: We only expect the ``APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME`` environment variable to be set when ``APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG=true`` indicates the build was started by a pushed tag. However, we don't verify that we are in a build started by a tag before checking for the tag. """ return super(AppVeyor, self).tag