ci_diff_helper.environment_vars module

Comprehensive list of environment variables used in ci-diff-helper.

These environment variables are core this library. They are used to detect the current environment.

For more details, see the Travis env docs.

ci_diff_helper.environment_vars.GH_TOKEN = 'GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN'

GitHub OAuth 2.0 token.

This environment variable must be used to authenticate to the GitHub API. Making unauthenticated requests on a Continuous Integration server will typically be rate limited.

ci_diff_helper.environment_vars.IN_TRAVIS_ENV = 'TRAVIS'

Indicates if running in Travis.

ci_diff_helper.environment_vars.TRAVIS_BRANCH_ENV = 'TRAVIS_BRANCH'

Indicates the active Travis branch.

In a “push” build, this is the branch that was pushed while in a “pull request” build it is the branch that a pull request is against.

ci_diff_helper.environment_vars.TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE_ENV = 'TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE'

Indicates the type of build that is occurring.

ci_diff_helper.environment_vars.TRAVIS_PR_ENV = 'TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST'

Indicates which Travis pull request we are in.

Is an integer when in a pull request or “false” when not.

ci_diff_helper.environment_vars.TRAVIS_RANGE_ENV = 'TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE'

The range of commits changed in the current build.

This is not particularly useful in a PR build.

ci_diff_helper.environment_vars.TRAVIS_SLUG_ENV = 'TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG'

The GitHub repository slug for the current Travis build.

A slug is of the form {organization}/{repository}.